Exempt civil status fees when having birth registration on time

Exempt civil status fees when having birth registration on time

On November 20, 2014, the Law No. 60/2014/QH13 on Civil Status is passed by the XIIIth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 8th session which takes effect onJanuary 01, 2016 regulates that Vietnamese citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in Vietnam have the civil status registration right and obligation must register civil status with the fee level under the regulations of the Ministry of Finance. Particularly, Civil status registration fee for members of families that have rendered meritorious services to the revolution; members of poor households; persons with disabilities and birth and death registration on time, guardianship and marriage of Vietnamese citizens residing in the country shall be exempted.

Civil status events must be certified in the civil status book the following civil status events: Birth; Marriage; guardianship; parent and child recognition; civil status change and correction;  ethnicity re-determination, civil status information addition or death or recording in the civil status book civil status changes of an individual according to a judgment or decision of a competent state agency such as citizenship change; parent and child determination; divorce, cancellation of illegal marriage, recognition of marriage; recognition of guardianship …Besides, respect for and guarantee of personal rights of individuals; all civil status events of an individual shall be registered in a full,

prompt, truthful, objective and accurate manner; for cases ineligible for civil status registration as prescribed by law, heads of civil status registration agencies shall issue written refusal replies clearly stating the reason. An individual may make civil status registration at the civil status registration agency in his/her registered place of permanent or temporary residence or the place where he/she is living. For an individual who does not register in his/her place of permanent residence, the district-level People’s Committee, commune-level People’s Committee or representative mission which has registered such individual’s civil status shall notify the civil status registration to the commune-level People’s Committee of the place where he/she permanently resides.

Especially, individuals are prohibited from committing the acts such as threatening, coercing or hindering the exercise and performance of the civil status registration right and obligation; abusing the civil status registration or shirking the civil status registration obligation for self-seeking purpose, enjoying the State’s preferential policy or earning illicit profits in whatever forms; providing untruthful information and documents, forging or using forged papers or papers of other persons for civil status registration and giving bribes and promising material or spiritual benefits in order to obtain civil status registration.

This Law takes effect on January 01, 2016.