Vacation, holiday & leaves


Annual Leave

According to Article 111 any employee who has completed 12 months in full to work for an employer is entitled to leave twelve (12) working days fully paid. If the period of employment is less than twelve (12) months then the employee shall be entitled to annual leave of a duration calculated in proportion to the period of employment.

The employer can regulate the annual leave schedule after consulting with the employees by giving advance notice. It can also be agreed that the employee can take annual leave in installments. The employee can also take 03 annual leaves into one leave, if agreed upon.

The employee is entitled to get the salary of their days-off of the annual leave as an advance.

The employer and the employee can agree upon the travel expenses and salary in the traveling


The employer can make the payment in lieu of the annual leave, if the employee is not taking the annual leave. Similarly, if the employee is leaving the job for any reason then the employer shall pay the salary for the days that are unused as annual leave.