Establishment of the enterprise in Hanoi with 100% foreign capital

Establishment of the enterprise in Hanoi

Question: I want to consult about establishment of the enterprise in Hanoi with 100% foreign capital.

The activity of the company would be:

1. -Exporting and importing some consumer goods (namely, purchasing some certain types of agricultural products such as fresh vegetable, fruits then processed, canned or frozen for exporting abroad)

-Manufacturing some certain types of household items such as textile and garment clothes for the exportation. And producing of canned foods.

We intend to establish a company, rent or buy a land and build a factory.

Could you tell me please if you could help us in this question?
What would be the price for your services -to manage this deal from the very beginning to the end?

Answen: This is reference to your email below. I am lawyer of SB Law. I was entrusted to provide you legal advice regarding to setting up 100% foreign owned company in Vietnam.

We noted that you intend to setup 100% foreign owned company in Vietnam for processing agricultural products and manufacturing house hold items for exportation.

In such case, you shall need to lease a land lot in Industrial Park or Export Processing Zones in Hanoi to setup the factory.

However, at this time, we are quite afraid of that there no much land lot available for leasing in Industrial Park and Export Processing Zones in Hanoi.

Then, you can consider leasing land lot in Bac Ninh Province or Vinh Phuc which are nearby Hanoi and price of leasing land lot is quite reasonable.

After having in-principal agreement on land lot leasing, we shall help you to setup the company in Vietnam.

Wholly Foreign Owned Export Processing Enterprise shall be the best option for you in this case if you intend to export 100% products to abroad.

With this option, you shall be exempted from import duty.

Our professional fee for setting up foreign owned company shall be at least 4,500USD.

We shall advise you in detail upon having full information on the location, scale of your factory. Also, if you need us to assist in looking for suitable land lot for building factory, please feel free let us know.

We do hope that the above information is helpful for you. If you have any further inquiry, please feel free to contact us.