Company Registration in Vietnam

This is reference to your email below. We have just been back from Tet Holiday. Regarding to your question, firstly, you must contact with a Dental Clinic in Vietnam for employment. Such Dental Clinic shall be liable to apply for work permit for you. During the time for obtaining work permit, you do not need to be in Vietnam. Then, you can start with procedure for obtaining Dental Practice License.

Question: I’m one of the investor seeking for investment in Vietnam. First of all, I would like to know about time period from the initialize until final process of company registration in break down step. Also, total expenses and evidences, for example; documents, capital, board of meeting, charter and involving details.


I’m Lawyer of SBLAW. In order to provide you with detailed consultation, please kindly give us more information about your project by answering the following questions:

1/ Where do you want to implement the investment project.

2/ What is the business line (or objectives of investment project).

3/ Proposed investment capital.