Power of attorney for filling trademark in Vietnam
In order to file trademark in Vietnam, owner of trademark has to provide the Power of Attorney for us.
Quotation for Trademark Registration in Vietnam
Question: Our company is looking to file a trade mark in Vietnam. Is it possible for you to provide us your most competitive fees schedule?
Regarding your enquiries concerning the subject matter, we would like to advise you procedure and our fee schedule in relation to trademark registration proceeding in Vietnam as...
Inquiry about patent application in Vietnam
Question: Please provide us with your estimated costs, breaking down the official fee and your service fee, for filing a patent application.
Regarding the subject matter, as one of the leading Vietnamese law firms, we are capable of assisting you with handling all IP matters in Vietnam in an efficient...
Trademark Application in Vietnam
Question: Our company is intending to file a trade mark application in Vietnam.
Please also let us have a breakdown of the fees (attorney fee, official fee and disbursements, if applicable) for the whole process, i.e. from the filing to the registration of the trade mark.
Regarding your enquiries concerning the...
VNIPO temporarily ceases in person activities at its Office in Da Nang City
Facing the complicated situation caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, and following the instructions in Dispatch 4537/UBND-KGVX dated July 22nd, 2021 of the People's Committee of Da Nang City on the implementation of the supplementing urgent measures in the prevention of the Covid-19 epidemic, to contribute to the protection of public health, the Intellectual...
Patent in Vietnam
Question: I am an inventor and an applicant of the "National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam".
I applicated the patent in a private capacity (as natural person or individual).
Field of my invention seems like "Electronics" or "Software". I will change current local agent in Vietnam. I think that I am...
Filling for new trademark application in Vietnam
As one of the trademark leading Vietnamese law firms, we are capable of assisting you with handling procedure and our fee schedule in relation to the trademark registration proceeding in Vietnamas follows:
Vietnam Trademark Registration Procedure
1.The official fee for registering Vietnam trademark
What documents would be required for trademark registration?
Question: Our company would like to register Vietnam trademark, please quote a total price (including official and agency fees) for registering trademarks in Vietnam.
-What documents would be required for my client?
- Need a notarized POA?
- Trademark search is free or charged?
- The time of entire process?
- The time of application...
What is trade mark?
Under Vietnam IP Law, trade mark means any sign, design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. The trade mark owner can be an organization or individual or any legal entity.