To bear stamps for domestic wine form January 1, 2014


On November 14, 2013, the Ministry of Finance promulgated Circular No. 160/2013/TT-BTC directing the printing, issuance, management and use of stamps for imported wine and domestic wine

 The Circular clearly states that wine produced and sold in Vietnam from January 1, 2014 and imported wine for sale in Vietnam must bear the stamp on its package. Concretely, imported wine and domestic wine must be packed in bottles, jars, cans, bags, or boxes (hereinafter referred to as bottles). Each bottle must bear a stamp. If the wine bottle is wrapped in a nylon cover, the stamp must be stuck on the bottle before it wrapping the nylon cover. The stamp shall be stick so that it seals the part of the package through which wine is poured (Cap, spout, etc.) so that it will be torn and cannot be reused once the bottle is opened.

The cases in which the stamp may be omitted: Wine produced manually for selling to the companies licensed to produce wine for further processing; wine produced at home for export, introduction, or exhibitions overseas and imported wine within the duty-free allowance as prescribed in the Law on Export and import tax and its guiding documents.

This Circular takes effect on January 1, 2014.

Download here: 54945_163-2013-ND-CP
