Change of Vietnam Law on Investment from 1st July 2015


SBLAW would like to advise that from 1st July 2015, the procedure for foreign investment in Vietnam shall be changed.

Accordingly, the procedure for setting up foreign invested company shall undergo two separate steps:

– Step 1: Obtainment of Investment Certificate. The Law stipulates that it shall take about 20 working days from submission of application dossier to complete. However, we are not sure whether this can be ensured in practice or not.

– Step 2: Obtainment of Certificate of Business Registration. This step shall be done after completion of the Step 1. It shall take about 05 working days from submission of application dossier to complete.

Further more, the foreign investors have to contribute 100% capital of the Company within 90 days from completion of the Step 2.

We do hope that the above information is helpful for foreign investor.