Conditions for food safety assurance for vagetable oil production

for food safety assurance

On December 22, 2014, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued the Circular No. 59/2014/TT-BCT dated December 22, 2014 prescribing conditions for food safety assurance for vegetable oil production and trading establishments and takes effect on February 06, 2015.

Accordingly, Vegetable oil production establishments must have production location constructed under current planning approved by competent state agencies; located far away from sources of pollution, toxicity that may impose bad effects on food safety quality of vegetable oil products; the arrangement and design of factory must have layout of production line must be arranged to appropriate wind direction to avoid adverse effects of sources of pollution such as boiler’s exhaust gas, wastewater treatment stations, solid waste and waste oil storage area, sanitary facilities and other sources of pollution; factory must be designed on a one-way rule from in-coming raw material all the way to the final product as vegetable oil product. Besides, the factory must have ventilation system; steam, heat and compressed air supply system; waste, wastewater and exhaust gas collection and treatment system and stores….

In particular, factory must be designed with air outlets to ensure circulation of air, enable elimination of heat and air generated during the production; area of drying and extraction must be well-ventilated to ensure suitable ambient temperature and labor safety according to the regulations; raw material pressing area must be designed with a dust collector and an appropriate ventilation system to ensure proper operation and no generation of pollution to other phases of production and oil refining area must be designed in such a way to ensure sufficient ventilation, quick elimination of heat and odor. At the same time, vegetable oil trading establishment must keep all legal documents and vouchers to prove origin and quality of product serving retrieval of origin, management of food quality safety of product; have a cleaning process at the establishment and record daily reports on hygiene as stipulated by the owner and the establishment must have adequate instruments and facilities to ensure satisfaction of conditions in temperature, humidity, lighting and other conditions as required by the manufacturer with respect to each type of product during the storage and trading of vegetable oil product…