Many incentives and supports for environmental protection activities

environmental protection activities

In accordance with the Decree No. 19/2015/ND-CP issued by the Government on February 14, 2015 detailing a number of articles of the Law on Environmental Protection. The State shall provide land- and capital-related incentives and supports; exempt and reduce taxes for environmental protection activities; subsidize prices and support sale of products created from environmental protection activities and provide other incentives and supports for environmental protection activities.

Within that, seriously polluting establishments to be relocated (below referred to as establishments) that were allocated land by the State without land use levy payment or with land use levy payment before July 1, 2014 (before the effective date of the 2013 Land Law) or were lawfully transferred land use rights with the land use levy paid to the State or the amount paid for the transferred land use rights originated from the State may use all the money collected from the auction of land use rights and land-attached assets (after deducting costs for organizing the auction), record such money as state budget capital in accordance with law and use it to pay land use levy, land rental and costs for
relocation and technological renewal and improvement and to implement investment projects at new production establishments.

The investors also have the activities such as Centralized wastewater treatment with a designed capacity of 2,500 m3 of wastewater/day or higher for urban areas of grade IV or higher; collection, transportation and centralized treatment of ordinary solid waste; treatment or co-treatment of hazardous waste; treatment and improvement of environmentally polluted zones in public areas; response to and tackling of oil spill, chemical and other environmental incidents; construction of environmental protection technical infrastructure in industrial parks and clusters and craft villages; relocation and transformation of operation of seriously polluting establishments; environmental monitoring and cremation and electric cremation services; environmental damage assessment; environmental health assessment; environmental assessment of goods, machinery, equipment and technologies.

This Decree takes effect on April 01, 2015.