A representative office of foreign education institution in Vietnam is a dependent unit of a foreign educational institution or organization, established and operating in Vietnam in order to promote and develop cooperation and investment in education in accordance with the laws of Vietnam. Accordingly, in order to be established and operating a representative office in Vietnam, foreign educational institutions and organizations should satisfy the following conditions, procedures for establishment as following:

1. Functions, tasks and rights of Representative Office of Foreign Education Institution in Vietnam

  • The representative office shall be able to represent the foreign educational institution in Vietnam.
  • The representative office shall take on the following tasks:
  1. Contact and boost the cooperation between the educational institution that it represents and the Vietnamese educational institution via promoting the education joint programs and projects.
  2. Organize exchange activities, consultation, information exchanges, seminars, exhibition of education aiming to introduce the foreign educational institution that it represents.
  3. Expedite and supervise the process of implementing the agreements on educational cooperation signed with the Vietnamese educational institutions.
  4. Must not engage in educational activities that directly generate profit in Vietnam and must not establish branches under it.
  5. Before November 30 every year, the representative office shall send a written report about its operation to the Department of Education and Training within the area where it is located; also, if requested by the competent agency, it shall provide documents and information regarding the relevant problems. The report shall be submitted online or in writing.

2. Conditions for a foreign educational institution to establish a representative office in Vietnam

  • Has a legal status.
  • Has been operating for at least 05 years in the host country; and has been accredited or recognized for its education quality by a competent agency.
  • Has clear charters, principles and targets.
  • Has regulation on organization and operation of the representative office being established in Vietnam that conforms to Vietnam’s laws.
  • Has a location for the representative office and can ensure security, labor safety and hygiene as prescribed by laws.

3. Establishment procedures

The procedures for establishment and operation of Representative Office of Foreign Education Institution in Vietnam consists of 2 steps:

Step 1: Apply for establishment of Representative Office of Foreign Education Institution at the Ministry of Education and Training

Within 30 working days from the date on which the complete documents are received, the Ministry of Education and Training shall appraise the documents, consider and approve the establishment of the representative office. If it does not approve the establishment, the receiving agency shall provide explanation in writing.

Step 2: Operation registration

Within 20 working days from the date on which the decision on approving the establishment of the representative office takes effect, the educational institution that requested the approval shall complete the operation registration at the Department of Education and Training within the area where the representative office is located.

Within 10 working days from the date on which the application documents of the representative office are received, the director of the Department of Education and Training shall consider issuing the registration certificate and shall publicly post the decision on its website. If the director does not issue the registration certificate, the receiving agency shall provide explanation in writing.

4. Operation period

The operation period of a representative office shall not be more than 05 years from the date on which it is issued with the establishment license. The aforesaid period may be extended, however, and each extension shall not exceed 05 years

5. Establishment dossiers

5.1. Application documents for establishment of Representative Office of Foreign Education Institution in Vietnam

  1. Application form for approval to establish a representative office;
  2. Document proving the legal status of the foreign educational institution; a certified true copy or a copy enclosed with an original of the Operation charter, a quality assessment certificate of the foreign educational institution, or a written certificate of quality assurance from a competent agency; a summary report on the establishment and development of the foreign educational institution.
  3. Draft of regulation on the organization and operation of the representative office.
  4. A letter introducing the manager of the representative office and his/her resume.

The written certificates issued by a foreign competent agency shall be consularly legalized at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Vietnam or at the diplomatic mission, consular office or a Vietnamese agency authorized to do consulate works in a foreign country, unless the international agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory prescribed otherwise.

5.2. Application documents for Operation registration

  1. Application form.
  2. A certified true copy or a copy enclosed with an original of the decision on approving the establishment of the representative office, and copies of the application documents already submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training to request for the aforesaid decision.
  3. The decision on appointing the manager for the representative office and his/ her resume.
  4. The personnel of the representative office and their resumes.
  5. Specific location of the representative office and relevant legal documents.