Medical establishments operating as enterprises may decide on price rates

Medical establishments operating as enterprises may decide on price rates

On December 15, 2014, the Government issued the Resolution No. 93/NQ-CP dated December 15, 2014 on a number of mechanisms and policies on medical development. Under this Resolution, medical examination and treatment establishments operating as enterprises may decide on their price rates. All units shall declare and post up service prices in accordance with regulations.

For public medical examination and treatment establishments and public medical universities, prices of medical examination and treatment services requested by patients and those of medical examination and treatment establishments shall be implemented under the principles of calculating all costs with accumulation. Heads of public medical units shall decide specific price rates within the price bracket jointly provided by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance.

Public medical examination and treatment establishments may assign employees to work at the medical examination

and treatment establishments under the principle of publicity, democracy and voluntariness of employees. Public medical examination and treatment establishments shall take the responsibility for and adopt plans to ensure human resources for regular operations of units.

Besides, the Government also permits public medical examination and treatment establishments may borrow investment credit loans from the Vietnam Development Bank to borrow capital to build and establish new medical examination and treatment establishments in the current precinct, and decide on the organizational apparatus and appropriate management methods and to establish joint ventures or partnerships with investors to build and establish new medical examination and treatment establishments operating as enterprises. In case of borrowing loans from credit institutions, they are entitled to state budget supports for the difference between the lending interest rate of credit institutions and that of the state for development investment