Legal service for Post licensing procedure of Representative office

M&A Lawyers of SBLAW
M&A Lawyers of SBLAW

After obtaining the Establishment License for the Representative Office (RO), RO  needs to implement the post-licensing procedure as follows:

A. Tax Declaration Procedure:

According to the applicable laws, the tax declaration procedure should be finished within 10 working days after obtaining the Establishment License for the Rep Office. Therefore, RO should prepare the following task as soon as possible:

1) Registration of the Rep Office’s Tax Code. Please kindly see the attached file named “TỜ KHAI MÃ SỐ THUẾ”, double check the information and if there is no any change, please print-out 02 copies and have them signed at the bottom.

2) Declaring the personal income tax of employees who are working for the RO: Please kindly provide us the (i) originals or certified copies of Labor Contract of employees for reference; (ii) the Personal Income Tax Code of each employee.

 B. Other procedures:

 1) Making press-release on the establishment:

 2) Registering seal and seal sample certificate

 3) Open the bank account of RO:

Please kindly liaise with commercial bank to open a bank account and provide us Confirmation Letter on the bank account of the RO.

 C. Declaration on Operation of the RO

According to the applicable laws, the Procedure for Declaration on Operation of the Rep Office must be implemented within 45 days after obtaining the Establishment License and finishing all of mentioned-above procedures.