If persons who carry out animal health activities at the request of competent state agencies contract diseases, get injured or die, they shall be considered for enjoying entitlements and policies as war invalids and fallen heroes in accordance with the law on preferential treatment of persons with meritorious services to the revolution is one of the most important contents prescribed at the Law on Animal Health No. 79/2015/QH13 passed by the National Assembly on June 19, 2015.

The concentrated slaughtering facilities shall have their locations comply with the planning by local administrations; have separate sections designed to prevent cross-contamination and their equipment, tools and water for animal slaughter satisfy veterinary sanitation requirements.

The State shall encourage to build animal epidemic-free establishments; building concentrated animal farming and slaughtering establishments; organizations’ and individuals’ participation in animal epidemic prevention and combat; mobilizing social resources for animal health and livestock

insurance activities; research and apply science and technology, applying good practices and advanced quality management systems in the field of animal health; train human resources in the field of animal health and care for, raising and protecting animals for humantarian purposes.

Especially, many acts are prohibited such as discarding diseased or dead animals and animal products and discharging pathogen-carrying wastewater and waste into the environment; transporting diseased animals, animal products or wastes carrying pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases, animals susceptible to announced animal epidemics and their products out of epidemic zones without permission of competent animal health management agencies; improperly destroying or failing to destroy diseased or dead animals or pathogen-carrying animal products which are subject to destruction; trading in, erasing or tampering with animal health-related licenses or certificates….

This Law takes effect on July 01, 2016.

Source: luatvietnam.vn