In accordance with the Law on the Vietnam Fatherland Front No. 75/2015/QH13 passed by the National Assembly on June 09, 2015,tThe Vietnam Fatherland Front is the political base of the people’s administration; and shall represent and protect the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of the People; rally and uphold the strength of the great national unity, exercise democracy and promote social consensus…..

The Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front shall appoint its representatives to join the National Council for Selection and Supervision of Judges, the Council for Selection of Procurators of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, and the Council for Competitive Examination of Primary-Level Procurators, Intermediate-Level Procurators and Senior Procurators. Provincial- and district-level Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees shall assume the prime responsibility for selecting and nominating qualified

persons for People’s Councils to elect people’s assessors. Social criticism by the Vietnam Fatherland Front means that Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees at all levels shall themselves give or request member organizations of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to give remarks, assessments, official opinions or proposals on draft legal documents, master plans, plans, programs, projects or schemes (below collectively referred to as draft documents) of state agencies.

Agencies and organizations responsible for drafting documents put up for criticism shall send draft documents put up for social criticism to the Vietnam Fatherland Front at least 15 days before submitting them to agencies competent to promulgate documents; and to provide necessary information and documents.

This Law takes effect on January 1, 2016 and replaces the Law No. 14/1999/Q10 on the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

