imported trees must be monitored from 6 to 12 months

imported trees

On October 30, 2014, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued the Circular No. 33/2014/TT-BNNPTNT providing the order and procedures for plant quarantine upon import, export and transit and post-import quarantine of articles subject to plant quarantine. This Circular applies to Vietnamese and foreign organizations and individuals engaged in the import, export and transit of, or post-import activities involving, articles subject to plant quarantine in Vietnam and conduct inspection in a prompt manner and detect Vietnam’s plant quarantine objects and control objects and exotic harmful organisms on articles upon import, export and transit or after import.

Within 24 hours since the quarantine starts, the plant quarantine agency shall grant a plant quarantine certificate or a plant quarantine certificate for re-export, if the lot of articles satisfies the importing country’s plant quarantine requirements. In case the time limit for granting a certificate must be extended to more than 24 hours due to technical professional requirements, the plant quarantine agency shall issue a written notice or reply to the article owner, clearly stating the reason. In case the lot of articles fails to satisfy the importing country’s plant quarantine requirements, the plant quarantine agency shall refuse to grant a plant quarantine certificate and notify such to the article owner.

Useful organisms, cuttings, seedlings, bulbs, slips and grafts which are subject to post-import plant quarantine according to pest risk analysis results. The period of post-import inspection, monitoring and plant quarantine of each type of plant variety and useful organisms for scions, cuttings, slips and grafts: from 1 to 2 years; trees: from 6 to 12 months; bulbs: 1 growth cycle; useful organisms: at least 1 generation.

This Circular takes effect on January 01, 2015