Quotation of legal service on franchise registration


Question: We are Vietnamese company and would like to sign a franchise contract with foreign company, please provide us the legal service on franchise contract consultancy, franchise registration and license registration in Vietnam.

Answer: SBLAW would like to propose to you the quotation of our legal service on franchise contract consultancy, franchise registration and license registration in Vietnam as follows.

1.Franchise contract consultancy and franchise activity registration.

SBLAW provides the service of franchise contract consultancy by means of implementing the following works:

  • Translating and interpreting the contract from English into Vietnamese;
  • Examining, analyzing and evaluating the terms and condition of such contract;
  • Anticipating and contemplating the possible legal risks;
  • Recommending suggestion for negotiable terms and conditions;

The above works would be finished in 15 working days, and the fee for such works is 80.000.000 VND

Furthermore, we also provide the franchise registration service in Vietnam. Accordingly, we would assist the client in preparing and filing required documents at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Our fee for implementing such work is 60.000.000 dong (official fee included).

Note: the above fee excludes 10% VAT and other disbursement, including translation fee (140.000 dong/100 words), etc.

2.Trademark license registration in Vietnam

In case the client’s trademarks are protected in Vietnam, we provide the trademark license registration service with the details as follows.

  • Preparing and drafting the license agreement;
  • Registering such agreement at the National office of Intellectual Property (NOIP);
  • Following and updating the status of such procedure;

According to prevailing regulations, such license agreement shall be recorded into the national registration book within 4 months. However, this time in fact could last longer due to the workload of NOIP and normally is between 6-8 months. Our fee for implementing this work is 6.000.000 dong per trademark (official fee included but 5%VAT).