Offering with drug bidding packages price does not exceed VND 5 billion


According to the Circular No. 11/2016/TT-BYT dated May 11, 2016 of the Ministry of Health on bidding for drugs supply for public health facilities, competitive offering shall be applied with drug bidding packages that price does not exceed VND 05 billion, has contractor selection plan approved by the competent person; the drug to be procured is on the List of essential medicines promulgated by the Ministry of Health or a commonly available drug whose technical characteristics and quality have been standardized and equivalent. If the procurement is funded by state budget, it is required to have an approved cost estimate.
For the direct procurement, it shall be applied with drug bidding packages that meet such conditions as bellow: The contractor has won the contract through competitive bidding or selective bidding and has signed a contract earlier;
The current procurement includes similar drugs and the scale is smaller than 130% of the earlier contract; Unit prices of drugs of the direct procurement do not exceed those of corresponding drugs in the earlier contract and suitable for the successful bids announced at the time of contract negotiation; The period of time from the conclusion date of the earlier contract to the day on which the direct procurement result is approved must not exceed 12 months.
Single-stage two-envelop procedures shall be applied to drug procurements through open tender or selective bidding whose value exceeds VND 10 billion and drug procurements whose value does not exceed 10 billion VND through open tender or selective bidding but both quality and prices have to be taken into account.
This Circular takes effect on July 01, 2016.