Cosmetic products registration in Vietnam


Question: We are consulting company for product certification in Korea. We are being asked for Cosmetic products registration in Vietnam from our customer. We want to discuss about this agenda including RP arrangement with you. Could you guide us on approximate Cost, Procedure and lead time?


 I am Lawyer of SB Law. I was entrusted to provide you legal advice regarding to the following issue.

For registering cosmetic products in Vietnam, our professional fee shall be 440USD. The fee is inclusive of VAT (10%) and governmental fee. It shall take us about 30 days from submission of application dossier to complete the registration.

For purpose of registration, we shall need (i) 01 legalized copy of Certificate Of Free Sale (CFS); (ii) 01 legalized copy of Power of Attorney granted by Manufacturer to the Importer in Vietnam (prepared under our standard form).

Before starting registration, we shall need you to provide us ingredient list and percentage of each composition of product for checking whether such ingredients comply with Vietnam Law or not. By the way, please note that for registration of cosmetic products in Vietnam, your Client must have an Importer in Vietnam who shall act as Registration Holder. If not, we can connect you with a Service Company to act as Registration Holder.