Obtainment of Vietnamese Judicial Record, Work Permit, Temporary Residence Card for foreigner working in Vietnam Service

Obtainment of Vietnamese Judicial Record, Work Permit, Temporary Residence Card for foreigner working in Vietnam Service


We understand that currently you are looking for a professional law firm to assist you in respect of obtaining Vietnamese Judicial Record, Work Permit, Temporary Residence Card for foreigner working in Vietnam. Therefore, we are grateful to set our legal services proposal for your review and consideration as follows:

  1. Overview

Required documents for obtaining Vietnamese judicial record, work permit and temporary residence card

The Client need to prepare the following documents for obtaining Vietnamese judicial record:

  • A certified copy passport of foreigner including all Client’s issued Vietnamese visas;
  • Confirmation of residence issued by ward or commune level Police.

With regard to the obtainment of work permit and temporary residence card, the Client need to prepare the following documents:

  • Clean criminal record from your home country, which could be replaced with a Vietnamese judicial record in the case that the Client resided for more than 6 months in Vietnam (legalized copy);
  • Diploma of the foreign employee (legalized copy);
  • Letter confirming working experience of employee issued by parent company (legalized copy);
  • Health certificate issued overseas or health certificate issued in Vietnam, having validity within 06 months from the date of submission of the dossier (legalized copy if it is issued by foreign hospital);
  • A certified copy passport of foreigner (notarized copy)
  • 02 colour photos (size 2cm x3cm, bareheaded, frontal view, without glasses, and on a white background) taken within the last six (6) months the date on which the foreigner lodges the application file (original copy).

2. Scope of works:

Our scope of work shall be as follows:

2.1. Preparation of the application documents:

(i) Notifying application documents required in accordance with Vietnamese law

(ii) Drafting application documents required for submission purpose;

(iii) Liaising with Client to discuss the draft application documents;

(iv) Amending the application documents based on Client’s comments;

(v) Obtaining preliminary comments from the licensing authority on the draft application documents;

(vi) Finalizing the application documents following comments from the licensing authority         

2.2. Licensing procedures:

(i) Submitting the application dossier to the licensing authority on Client’s behalf;

(ii) Monitoring and following up with the relevant authorities on the approval process;

(iii) Keeping Client updated on the developments and additional requirements, if any; and

(iv) Receiving result from the competent authority and hand over to Client.

  1. Performance time:

3.1. Preparing the application dossier:

We shall collect necessary information and documents from you. Upon receipt of necessary information and documents from you, we shall translate documents from English into Vietnamese and prepare the application dossier under the standard forms. The initial drafted application dossier shall be sent to you for your comments. Then, after updating the application dossier based on your comments, we shall obtain the preliminary comments from the competent authority and send the finalized application dossiers for you to sign and seal. We anticipate that this phase shall be completed within 05 working days.

3.2. Licensing Procedure:

Obtain Judicial Record: Within 02 working days from receipt of duly application dossier, we shall submit the application dossier to relevant competent authority. Within 15 working days from submission of application dossiers to Licensing Agency, Client shall obtain the judicial record.

Obtain Work Permit: Within 02 working days from receipt of the judicial record, we shall submit the application dossier to relevant competent authority. Within 20 working days from submission of application dossiers to Licensing Agency, Client shall obtain approval letter for explanation letter for foreign labor demand. Within 10 working days from obtainment of approval for explanation letter for foreign labor demand, Client shall obtain work permit.

Obtaining Temporary Residence Card: It shall take about 15 working days from submission of required application dossier to relevant competent authority for obtaining the Temporary Residence Card.

  1. Professional fees and payment:

4.1. Professional fee:

The Professional fee for performing SB Law services as mentioned in Section 2 above shall be:

– For obtaining judicial record: 800 USD (Eight hundred US Dollars);

– For obtaining Work Permit: 700 USD (Seven hundred US Dollars);

– For obtaining Temporary Residence Card: 550 USD (Five hundred fifty US Dollar).

The aforesaid service fee is exclusive of 10% VAT, expense for legalization and/or obtaining Health Certificate, and cost for translating your documents from English into Vietnamese (if any).

4.2. Payment:

1st Installment Payment: Within 05 (five) working days from the signing date of Legal Service Contract between Client and SB Law, Client shall pay SB Law an advance payment which is equivalent to 50% of the professional fee, VAT.

–  2nd Installment Payment: Within 05 (five) working days from the date of SB Law’s completion of work scope, Client shall pay SB Law the remaining 50% of the professional fee, VAT and translation fees (if any).

Client will immediately notify SB Law of when actual payment(s) will be made on the amount specified in the invoice(s). SB Law will start working only upon receipt of payment of the respective invoice(s). Alternatively, SB Law reserves the right to withdraw the service if payment is not received 10 days after the date of the invoice. Further, in the event payments are not received by the payable date, SB Law reserves the right to suspend services and/or levy and collect a late payment fee of 0.5% per month up to the date of receipt of payment by SB Law.