Bidding documents for procurement of herbal ingredients and traditional ingredients at heath facilities


On August 10, 2016, the Ministry of Health issued the Circular No. 31/2016/TT-BYT dated August 10, 2016 of the Ministry of Health guiding the Bidding Documents for procurement of herbal ingredients and traditional ingredients at heath facilities, including Bidding Documents for procurement of herbal ingredients applicable to open tender or national selective bidding with the single stage-one envelope bidding procedure and Bidding Documents for procurement of herbal ingredients applicable to open tender or national selective bidding with the single stage-two envelope bidding procedure.

Bidding Documents of procurement of which Bidding Documents or Request for Proposals are published before September 26, 2016 shall keep being implemented. Bidding Documents of procurement of which Bidding Documents or Request for Proposals having not been published before the effective date of this Circular shall follow the procedures: plan for selection of bidders approved by competent authorities September 26, 2016 shall keep being implemented according to the approved plan concerned….

This Circular takes effect on September 26, 2016.