Employees working in railway transportation work no longer than 12 hours

Employees working in railway

On June 05, 2015, the Ministry of Transport issued the Circular No. 21/2015/TT-BGTVT dated June 05, 2015 of the Ministry of Transport prescribing the working time and rest time for employees working in the special conditions of railway transportation.

Accordingly, working time and rest time for train drivers, train driver assistants is from nine hours and below per day and from 156 hours and below per month. Working time is calculated between the point of on-shift and the point of off-shift. For staff working as shutters in a fixed station, apply working time, rest time. And the working time and rest time for train master and railway staff working on passenger or freight trains is from 12 hours and below per day and from 208 hours and below per month. In case a train journey is longer than 12 hours, apply working regime as follows: on-shift is eight hours and on-the-spot rest time is eight hours. At bustling stations, staffs that have on–the-spot rest time

shall be responsible for cooperating with on-shift staff in welcoming and giving send-off to passengers.

The rest time between the two train journeys is at least 12 hours. If required by the train travel graph, rest time between the two train journeys may be shorter but at least equal to working time of immediately previous shift; the rest time between the two train journeys on train or on waiting for tasks, moving to other locations shall not be considered as working time and at short railway sections (train journey from eight hours and below) and rotation of shifts (break between the two train journeys) occurs on train, the employer can apply working regime.

This Circular takes effect on August 01, 2015 and replaces the Minister of Transport’s Circular No. 23/1998/TT-BGTVT dated February 07, 1998 promulgating regulations on working time and rest time for employees performing jobs of special condition in railway transport.