Exempt import tax within 05 years for raw materials or components


Circular No. 83/2016/TT-BTC issued by the Ministry of Finance on June 17, 2016 guiding the implementation of the investment incentive programs under the provisions of the Law on Investment and the Decree No. 118/2015/ND- CP dated November 12, 2015 specifying and guiding the implementation   of   several   articles   of   the   Law   on Investment.

Accordingly, Investment projects belonging to the approved list of sectors or professions qualifying for investment incentives   referred   to   in   Section   A,   Appendix   I,   or developed in areas faced with special economic – social difficulty shall be entitled to import duty incentives and exempt  import  tax  within  05  years  for  raw  materials or components which must be imported.

Investment projects located within rural areas that hire at least 500 employees (excluding those who are not working full time and those who sign under-12-month employment contracts) shall be entitled to import tax incentives which are  the  same  as  those  applied  to  investment  projects located within areas faced with economic – social difficulty; investment projects hiring at least 500 employees, and located within rural and non-rural areas shall, subject to the number of employees working at each project site or work section   in   rural   areas   (exclusive   of   the   number   of employees at the project site or section located within non- rural areas, be granted respective import tax incentives.

In particular, import tax incentives referred to in this Article shall not be granted to investment projects such as mineral production, production and  trading of  goods  or  services subject  to  the  special  consumption  tax,  except  motor vehicle production.

This    Circular    takes    effect    on    August    01,    2016.