Inland waterway transportation must have automatic dentification system equipment

Inland waterway transportation must have automatic dentification system equipment

This is one of the conditions for passenger transportation business along fixed routes in accordance with the Circular No. 110/2014/ND-CP issued by the Government on conditions for inland waterway transportation business.

In particular, beside the condition that vessels are fitted with Automatic Identification System (AIS) equipment when operating along routes from the coast to islands or between islands, the inland waterway transportation business unit must buy vessel owner’s civil liability insurance for passengers and third parties; have a document on routes and route operation plan approved by the competent agency with which the business unit has registered the business of inland waterway passenger transportation along fixed routes and have a division to manage and monitor the navigation safety conditions…especially, Crewmen have professional diplomas or certificates under regulations. Crewmen fully meet health conditions under regulations of the Ministry of Health and crewmen and attendants have signed written labor contracts with the transportation business unit.

For the units conducting tourist transportation business, vessels are fitted with Automatic Identification System (AIS) equipment when operating along routes from the coast to islands or between islands and unit must have a division to manage and monitor the navigation safety conditions. Every vessel is attached with a sign plate for tourist and attendants on vessels have been trained in tourism skills under relevant regulations on tourism.

The unit conducting the business of cross-river passenger transportation must have obtained approval for cross-river passenger transportation from a competent agency under regulations; embarking and disembarking passengers at landing stages that have operation licenses granted by competent agencies; vessels ensure technical safety and environmental protection and crewmen and steersmen possess professional certificates.

This Decree takes effect on January 05, 2015.