A license for hydro-meteorological forecast and warning activities is valid for 5 years at most


In accordance with the Decree No. 38/2016/ND-CP dated May 15, 2016 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Hydro-meteorology, a license for hydro-meteorological forecast and warning activities is valid for 5 years at most and extend at least 30 days before the license expires and with each extension not exceeding 5 years.

Besides, the Decree also prescribes some regulations on works subject to hydro-meteorological observation, including: airports; irrigation reservoirs with flood control valve gates and hydropower reservoirs with an aggregate capacity of three million cubic meters (3,000,000 m3) or more; and reservoirs regulated by an operation process of river basin inter-reservoirs; class-I and class-II seaports; bridges over coastal estuaries, straits or bays, or to or between islands in the internal waters, with a clearance of 500 meters or more; radio or television wave transmission-reception towers concurrently providing sightseeing and catering services; suspension cables serving sightseeing and tourist activities; national parks.

An organization to carry out hydro-meteorological forecast and warning activities must have the legal person status as prescribed by the civil law; possesses physical and technical foundations that satisfy the minimum requirements of hydro-meteorological forecast and warning, including equipment and systems to compute, receive and process hydro-meteorological information and data; stable sources of data supply; technical processes and forecasting tools to ensure scientificity, independence and objectivity of forecast products; and processes to control and assess the quality of forecast and warning; and possesses at least three employees, of whom at least one possesses a university or higher degree in hydro-meteorology and has at least three years’ experience of carrying out hydro-meteorological forecast and warning activities.

This Decree takes effect on July 01 ,2016.