Post Violator’s information on the national database


On March, 2016, the Government issued the Decree No.20/2016/ND-CP prescribing the national database on handling of administrative violations – a collection of data on handling of administrative violations that are created, updated, maintained, exploited and used via electronic equipment to serve the state management of handling of administrative violations and prevention and combat of law violations.

Information in the national database on handling of administrative violations include the information on decision to sanction administrative violations subject sanctioned for administrative violation such as for an individual violator: Full name; birth date; personal identification number or people’s identity card number, police identity card number or military identity card number or passport number (if any); gender and for an institutional violator: Name of organization; address of head office; identification number (for enterprises) or investment registration certificate number/business registration certificate number; establishment license number/operation registration certificate number (for other organizations); full name of at- law representative or owner of enterprise or head of organization.

Also in accordance with this Decree, this Decree applies to agencies and persons competent to sanction administrative violations; agencies executing decisions to sanction administrative violations; agencies executing decisions to enforce decisions to sanction administrative violations; agencies and persons competent to decide on application of  administrative handling measures; agencies executing decisions to apply administrative handling measures; state management agencies in charge of handling administrative violations… Sanctioned organizations and handled individuals  may  be  provided  with  information  on  the handling of their administrative violations if they make a written request and pay a charge under regulations.

Exploitation and use of the national database on handling of administrative   violations   may   be   in   forms   such   as connecting via computer system with the national database on handling of administrative violations; searching online information on the e-portal designated by the Ministry of Justice; written request.

This Decree takes effect on May 15, 2016.