Providing for salary payment to managers in state companies


On June 13, 2016, the Decree No. 52/2016/ND-CP issued by the Government providing for salary, remuneration and bonus payment to managers of single-member limited liability companies of which charter capital is wholly owned by the State.

Accordingly, for economic corporation, the pay factors of full-time President of  the  Board of  Members or  full-time company President  is  8.80  –  9.10;  Director  General  or Director is 8.50 – 8.80, Head of the Control Board is 8.10 – 8.40, Full-time member of the Board of Members, full-time comptroller, Vice Director General or Vice Director is 7.90 – 8.20, Chief Accountant is 7.60 – 7.90…For   specially- ranked incorporation, the pay factor of full-time President of the Board of Members or full-time company President is 8.20 – 8.50, Director General or Director is 7.85 – 8.20, Head of the Control Board is 7.53 – 7.83, Full-time member of  the  Board  of  Members,  full-time  comptroller,  Vice Director  General  or  Vice  Director  is  7.33  –  7.66,  Chief Accountant is 7.00 – 7.33….

Remunerations awarded to part-time company managers working in other companies shall be calculated in relation to work duties and working hours and do not exceed 20% of salary amount paid to full-time company managers. With regard to company managers that may be appointed as representatives for contributed capital in many other companies or enterprises, remunerations paid by these companies or enterprises shall be remitted to their designating companies to decide payment of these remunerations in proportion to their performance, but restricted to a maximum of 50% of the actual amount of salaries paid by these designating companies…

This Decree takes effect on August 01, 2016; policies on salaries,  remunerations and  bonuses  referred  to  in  this Decree      takes      effect      on      January      1,      2016.