Decision No.  07/2017/QD-TTg on non-stop electronic toll collection issued by the Prime Minister on March 27, 2017 of the Prime Minister; takes effect on May 15, 2017.

This Decision points out that a vehicle subject to tolls shall be affixed to with a tag in conformity with standards for passive radio frequency identification for wireless link; the tag shall be affixed by a motor vehicle registration or an agency authorized by the toll service provider and a vehicle user is exempt from the expense associated with tag affixture for the first installation. If the tag is lost or damaged, the vehicle user shall, at his/her cost, have a new tag affixed to the vehicle, except for objective causes or technical defects.

A toll service provider shall open a prepaid account for a vehicle user in the toll collection system upon the first installation of a tag. Each prepaid account may be used for paying tolls for multiple vehicles, but each vehicle’s toll is paid solely from an prepaid account. A vehicle user will credit an amount of money to a prepaid account for making toll payments by making wire transfer or use payment services of the bank; use scratch cards to credit money via phone messages or website of a toll service provider; pay cash at an agency authorized by a toll service provider; make payments through a payment intermediary….

If a prepaid account linked to a tag which is affixed to a vehicle going through a non-stop toll plaza is not enough to pay an toll amount, the toll service provider shall debit such amount from the account and give a notice to the vehicle user. The vehicle user must credit an amount to the prepaid account for abovementioned payment within 10 days from the date of receipt. If the vehicle user fails to credit amount for the payment upon expiration of the deadline, the toll service provider will refuse to provide services for such vehicle…
