Supports for career change for victims of occupatonal accident


According to Decree No. 37/2016/ND-CP dated May 15, 2016 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation   of   certain   articles   of   the   Law   on occupational safety and health with regard to compulsory insurance for occupational accidents and occupational diseases, employee shall receive tuition support for attending training courses for change in occupations after having  occupational  accidents  or  suffered  from occupational diseases if the level of working capacity decrease upon occupational accidents or occupational diseases  is  at  least  31%  and  he/she  needs  to  attend training courses for holding new job positions which are appointed by employers in conformity with the health and expectations of employees. The specific support amount for each entity is decided by Departments of Labor Invalids and Social Affairs but shall not exceed 50% of tuition and 15 times the statutory pay rate.

Besides, employee whose level of working capacity decrease upon occupational accidents or occupational diseases is at least 31% shall be supported for occupational health rehabilitation. The maximum support rate is as 50% of the cost of occupational health rehabilitation which has been deducted from the amount paid by health insurance agency and shall not exceed two times the statutory pay rate/person/one time of rehabilitation. Each employee may get support for cost of occupational health rehabilitation up to 02 times but in 02 different years.

Also   accordance  with   this   Decree,  every  month,  an employer shall spend 1% of their salary fund which is the basis  for  paying social insurance premiums for  officials; officers or professional soldiers in the people’s army; professional and technical officers and non-commissioned officers in  the  people’s  public  security;  persons  working under indefinite-term labor  contracts and  labor contracts with a term of full of 03 months and longer, and persons working under labor contracts with a term of between full of 01 month and under 03 months… on the insurance fund. With regard to employers being enterprises, cooperatives, business households or cooperative groups that engage in agriculture,  forestry,  fishery  or  salt  industry  and  pay product-based or piecework-based salaries, the contribution specified in this point may be made on the periodical basis of every month, every 03 months or every 06 months. From January 01, 2018, the Government shall decide other premium  rates  which  are  lower  than  those  prescribed above.

This Decree takes effect on July 01, 2016.