Salary under Vietnam labor code

The salary of the employee includes the salary rate based on the work, allowance and other additions, if any.The salary rate of the employee should not be lower than the minimal salary rate prescribed by the Government. The employer shall not entertain any gender discrimination as to salary. The employer...

Sample of labor contract in Vietnam

SBLAW would like to provide to foreign company the sample of labor contract in Vietnam for your execution. Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc —oOo— TP.Hồ Chí Minh, ngày 02/01/2015 Tên đơn vị: Company name: Số/ Number: HỢP ĐỒNG LAO ĐỘNG LABOUR CONTRACT (Ban hành kèm theo Thông tư số 21/2003/TT-BLĐTBXH ngày 22/09/2003 của Bộ Lao...

Holiday & Tet Leave

According to Article 115 of the Code, the employee shall be entitled to the following public holidays and the same shall be fully paid leave[...]

Difference between laborer and director under labor law

Now my company in Hanoi is now doing renewal of Managing Director’s contract. I will be the legal representative and his title is Managing director and he is operating whole company with power authorization from legal representative. I would like to know the below thing,

Termination labour contracts of redundant employees in Vietnamese company.

(SB Law) In case foreign invested company in Vietnam (FIC) shall have to consider terminating employment of a number of redundant employees due to organizational restructure[...]
Dental License in Vietnam

Q&A: Dental License in Vietnam

Question: I am a 56 year old actively practicing dentist in Nice, France. If I retire to DaNang, can I obtain a Vietnam license to practice dentistry part time in the country? I am in good standing with my local board. Thank you for you advise, Answen: I am Lawyer of...

Vacation, holiday & leaves

Annual Leave According to Article 111 any employee who has completed 12 months in full to work for an employer is entitled to leave twelve (12) working days fully paid. If the period of employment is less than twelve (12) months then the employee shall be entitled to annual leave...

Getting work permit for dentist.

Question: I am a dentist graduated from the USA practicing dentistry in my country Singapore with Permanent and Private license of Singapore for 10 years. I have already read helpful questions and answers included in your website and Im NOT going to establish my own clinic. 1.However, I am asking if...

Social insurance under law on social Insurance

The Law on Social Insurance, 2006 is a law providing for social insurance regimes and policies, the rights and responsibilities of insured laborers, agencies, organizations and individuals; social insurance organizations; social insurance funds; procedures for implementation of social insurance and state management of social insurance.

Human Resources and Employment Law

We would like to provide some information about human resources and employment law of Vietnam for you as follows[...]